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830 Powers Street, Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4E7| Phone: (204) 586-8061| Fax: (204) 589-2504
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Seven Oaks School Division
Community Begins Here
Feb 05, 2025
School Day 3
No School Today
Kindergarten Registration


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Seven Oaks School Division knows what an exciting time this is for you and your child!

Our Kindergarten registration is NOW OPEN!!

and Kindergarten will start in September 2024!

If your child is born in 2019 they will start school in September 2024


If you are unsure of your catchment school please use School Locator or contact the Board Office at 204-586-8061 or check the boundary map for a school near you​).​


OR phone the school to make an appointment to register in-person at your catchment school.​

Children registering for Kindergarten in 2024-2025​ must be 5 years old by December 31st, 2024 (born in ​2019​).

To register you will require​:

  • One piece of identification.  For example, ​child's Birth Certificate or Passport or Baptismal Certificate, etc.
  • Two documents for p​roof of address.  For example, rental/purchase agreement, utility bill or property ​tax​ statement.​​

​​​Other Interesting Information
    1. Kindergarten in Seven Oaks School Division is half-day, everyday format for students.
    2. If you choose to register for a different school than your catchment s​chool you will be contacted and a School of Choice form will need to be completed.
    3. If you are an Out of Division registrant, please register online and then you will be contacted by your School of Choice to complete the Out of Division form.
    4. To view our daycare bussing ​catchment areas - click here 
    5. To view our Student Transportation Policy - click​ here​
    6. Click here for information on the Indigenous Identity Declaration from Manitoba Education.  This is an optional section on our registration form.  Please consider completing.​


Content Editor

Seven Oaks School Division knows what an exciting time this is for you and your child!

Our Kindergarten registration is NOW OPEN!!

and Kindergarten will start in September 2024!

​Parents/Guardians will be invited to register online starting February 26, 2024 for ​their catchment school (please contact the Board Office at 204-586-8061 if you are unsure of your catchment school or check the boundary map for a school near you​).​

OR phone the school to make an appointment to register in-person at your catchment school.​  In-person appointments will not be available any sooner than February 26, 2024.

​Note: If you need to register your child for 2023-2024​ school year please contact one of the schools and they will take your registration.

Other Interesting Information

    1. At the Regular Board meeting of Monday, December 11th, 2017 the Seven Oaks School Division Board of Trustees passed the following motion: "That the current half-day, everyday format for Kindergarten be maintained."
    2. If you choose to register for a different school, please register at your Home School and complete the School of Choice form.
    3. If you are an Out of Division registrant, please register at your School of Choice and complete the Out of Division form.
    4. Daycare catchment areas - click here to view our Student Transportation Policy.
    5. Click here for the Aboriginal Identity form from Manitoba Education.


Seven Oaks School Division knows what an exciting time this is for you and your child!

Kindergarten registration is open!

​​Parents/Guardians are invited to register online for ​their catchment school (please contact the Board Office at 204-586-8061 if you are unsure of your catchment school or check the boundary map for a school near you​).​

OR phone the school to make an appointment to register in-person at your catchment school.​

Children registering for Kindergarten in September 2024 must be 5 years old by December 31st, 2024 (born in 2019​​).

If your child is born in 2019 you are registering for 2024-2025 school year.​

If your child is born in 2018 you are registering 2023-2024 school year.

​Click the button below.

If possible, please attach the following when registering online:

  • One piece of identification.  For example, ​child's Birth Certificate or Passport or Baptismal Certificate, etc.
  • Two documents for p​roof of address.  For example, rental/purchase agreement, utility bill or property ​tax​ statement.

​Note: If you are unable to attach at the time of online registration you will need to make an appointment with the school and bring this information ​to the school for verification.


Seven Oaks School Division knows what an exciting time this is for you and your child!

Kindergarten registration is ON HOLD...

until August 28, 2023 (when the schools are open again)

​​Parents/Guardians will then be invited to register online for ​their catchment school (please contact the Board Office at 204-586-8061 if you are unsure of your catchment school or check the boundary map for a school near you​).​

OR phone the school to make an appointment to register in-person at your catchment school.​

Children registering for Kindergarten in September 2023 must be 5 years old by December 31st, 2023 (born in 2018​​).

To register you will require​:

  • One piece of identification.  For example, ​child's Birth Certificate or Passport or Baptismal Certificate, etc.
  • Two documents for p​roof of address.  For example, rental/purchase agreement, utility bill or property ​tax​ statement.