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Seven Oaks School Division
Community Begins Here
Feb 05, 2025
School Day 3
No School Today
Unite to Change

To increase consciousness and celebrate ongoing efforts in the area of sustainability education, a group consisting of two trustees and two school leaders attended a major provincial conference at Hecla Island in the fall of 2008.

From that conference, a committee was formed that coined the name, SEVEN OAKS UNITE TO CHANGE. From this small beginning, students, teachers, school leaders, superintendents and trustees gathered periodically to plan division wide conferences. The idea was to hear the voices of folks in many different roles and ages from throughout Seven Oaks. The planning committee is open to all. The four strands of ESD:

  1. Environmental Responsibility
  2. Cultural Awareness and Collaboration
  3. Social Justice Initiatives
  4. Health and Wellbeing

The Unite to Change committee has grown from 6 to many members. The committee organized the first Unite to Change conference at the Garden City Inn, May 2009. A second conference, which focused on cultural awareness and understanding our urban core, took place in October 2009 at the Thunderbird House. Conferences feature a theme from our four strands, guest speakers, team building, hands on activities, research, field trip opportunities and planning time for school teams.

Spring 2010... Earth Day summits at three high schools.

Fall 2010... Fort Gibraltar/The Forks... Global Perspectives on Education for Sustainable Development

Fall 2011... University of Winnipeg...Institutions and Sustainability

Fall 2012… ”Veggin in the Country”... Providence College.

Fall 2013... Food Focus... Northern Sun Cooperative Farm

Fall 2014... "Veggin in the City: No Child Left Inside"... Morning: Wawiyia' kiti' gahn, the 7 Oaks Wayfinders Circle Garden. The afternoon groups of 15-20 went on tours of seven oaks schools featuring local efforts connected to sustainable living education.

Fall 2015... "Celebrating Diversity within our City!"