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Maples Met School
One student at a time...
Feb 05, 2025
School Day 3
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Metster Profile



 Tell us something about yourself:
Iā€™m a Grade 10 student in Gurveerā€™s advisory. I am very passionate in the field of art - the best kind of art experiences are multimedia, where visual art, sound and dance are drawn together. I also love track and field, my main event is hurdles. I try to stay as active as I can.

Whatā€™s your project?
I have two School Based Projects at the moment. My first is a a Black History project, where I want to shed more light on this topic and some historical black figures, such as Viola Desmond, Alvin Ailey, and Nelson Mandela. I have noticed that learning about this topic and these people has been lacking in my educational experience to date. My second project is based around the knee. Here I focus on what injuries it can have, such as sprains, breaks, factures and diseases. This is an issue that ails me personally, because I have had many injuries to my own knees.

Whereā€™s your LTI?
I also have two LTIā€™s. My first internship is at Studio Central where my mentors name is Marissa. Studio Central provides a safe space for community members to express themselves artistically and I help them in this expression. I also host workshops called CTā€™s (creative technique) where I teach how to watercolor, drawing with pencil, chalk pastels, oil pastels, and much more. My second internship is at Studio 393. I help out with ASL (After School Leaders) program. Currently we are learning how to create podcasts and interviews which air on UMFM (the University of Manitobaā€™s Radio Station) 101.5, Wednesdays at 11pm.

How have you grown this year?
The advisory I'm in this year is really helping me grow, there is a great atmosphere that is really pushing me to be more responsible. Iā€™m getting out of the mindspace that handing in work late is OK. My peers really push me, which helps motivate me to stay on task, and supports me when I want to go deeper in my learning.

What are your goals?
My personal goal is to take care of my health more. Iā€™ve been getting sick lately, which means that work has built up. What I have decided is that I need to put self-care first, rather than trying to work through illness. I also want to learn how to play the guitar. Iā€™ve played the euphonium since Grade 6, but now I want to switch things up and guitar seems like a good fit for me.



ā€‹Tell us something about yourself:
Iā€™m a Grade 11 student in Willā€™s Advisory. Iā€™m passionate about STEM and I currently intern at the UofW Chemistry Department and the St Boniface BIOLab. I find STEM really interesting because I believe our survival in the future relies on it. The 21st century faces a lot of unique challenges such as climate change and adapting to a bigger population and itā€™s going to take a lot of creative thinking to move forward.

Whatā€™s your project?
My big project this year is around anthropology. I was inspired by the work of Yuval Harari and reading his books over the summer really sparked an interest. Iā€™m currently looking at the difference between prehistoric and modern humans and their physical evolution. My research is going to focus on how different the lifestyle is between now and then and how the human body has evolved from that. Thatā€™s going to consider diet, exercise, etc. Iā€™m going to collect data by doing my own testing on the cellular level. For example, Iā€™m going to look at the fat intake between now and then, look at how the different fat contents will affect the cells in us, and in turn how that would affect overall body function. A big challenge currently is looking for preliminary data to base my own research off of.

Whereā€™s your LTI?
Iā€™m currently interning at two locations right now, St Boniface BIOLab and the UofW Chemistry department. At the UofW, Iā€™m working on testing organic compounds and whether they would be a viable type 2 diabetes treatment as a plant-based pharmaceutical. There, most of my work is purifying organic compounds so they can get tested. At the BIOLab, Iā€™m doing their cell culturing and Iā€™m also working on differentiating stem cells so they can grow to be a different type of cell. Stem cells are a big topic of research with organ regeneration and heart disease especially. The fun part of this internship is that Iā€™m surrounded by a lot of scientists that conduct their own research and itā€™s really interesting to talk about their work and what solution theyā€™ve come up with for a certain problem.

How have you grown this year?
I feel like the quality of the work I hand in has gotten better because Iā€™ve been putting more effort in this year because I have a lot of interesting ideas for projects. Iā€™ve set a higher standard for my work because I wasnā€™t completely satisfied with my stuff last year. Iā€™ve also been better with time management and procrastination which is great because Iā€™ve had a fairly busy year.

What are your goals?
I want to read more because thatā€™s what really inspires me for projects and itā€™s a good way to improve writing too. Another thing is getting to school on time. Iā€™ve been getting better this year but Iā€™m still late for most of the week. Iā€™m trying to put myself on a schedule but a lot of the time it falls through so I definitely want to get better at that. A goal I have for my LTI is to explore more research topics because it would be great if I can connect that to my SBPs.



Tell us something about yourself:
Iā€™m a grade 11 student. Iā€™m really passionate about aviation - I hope to use my skills in aviation for a future career. I am very open minded and like to try new things and challenges. In particular I like to challenge myself to be the best.

Whatā€™s your project? 
For my School Based Project (SBP) I plan to create a website filled with video games. I wanted to inform kids in society about how games affect people positively and negatively. My goal is to inform both youth and their families. In my family they were aware of the ways that video games negatively affected me, such as addiction, problems with vision and aggressive behavior. I specifically chose games that were popular in 2017 and 2018, because those are the ones that are catching the attention of youth right now.

Whereā€™s your LTI?
Right now Iā€™m working with a Principal, Ben Carr, from Seven Oaks School Division. I am doing data analysis for him on the Beyond Grade 12 survey, putting it into a database. From here I will graph the data to produce a visual representation. My final product is a final report interpreting the data and drawing conclusions for expanding the Beyond Grade 12 Program.

How have you grown this year?
At the start of the year I was unmotivated and uncreative. Once I realized this was affecting my education and personal life, I started to become more aware of things. I gave myself a reality check, and forced myself to get things together. I removed distractions, built schedules and made better choices. I rejected negative video games and friends. Those decisions have led to me being the person I want to be by the end of this school year.

What are your goals?
For my Grade 12 year my goal is to make my Senior Thesis Project a memorable one, and for younger Met Students to see it as a benchmark. I plan to build a solar powered plane because this connects to my interest in aviation. I want to leave a dent in Met School, so that when I leave I am proud of what I left behind. 



Tell us something about yourself:
Iā€™m a big reader. I love to read. I like making things and creating things with my imagination. I like to think of myself as a creative. Some examples of things Iā€™ve created are a large poster, designing through graphic art and building an orthotic model. Iā€™m not well-versed in computers, but Iā€™ve pushed myself to be more knowledgeable in graphic art.

Whatā€™s your project?
I was specifically looking at orthotics and clubfoot, as I have a clubfoot myself. I was interested in the design and make-up of club feet, what causes it, those types of things. This project was very connected to myself, I like doing projects that have meaning to me, as it provides me more passion to do the work. For my project I actually made an orthotic that would fit myself, it is designed for me, and aided the reduction in pain I was getting from my ā€˜developmental deformation.ā€™

Whereā€™s your LTI?
My internship is at Winnipeg Prosthetics and Orthotics. My mentors Bram and Vera really helped me through my project. Bram is my main mentor, he helped me understand the six typical phases for constructing an orthotic: 1) design phase; 2) casting; 3) modification; 4) fabrication; 5) fitting; 6) adjustments at the end. Vera is a certified orthotist, she worked with me on the hands-on component of building my orthotics. I worked in the warehouse space of the organization helping to build the orthotic. There were times that I needed to do a research component, but for the most part I was working on construction. It was really fun.

How have you grown this year?
In a lot of ways. Iā€™ve become more outgoing. At the start of the year I was really shy, but now Iā€™m more comfortable asking questions and seeking support when I need it. Iā€™ve always been organized, but Iā€™ve gotten better at it, particularly in time management. I needed to to this to stay on track with everything Iā€™m working on - it also helped reduce some of my stress.

What are your current goals?
I want to continue to not stress, because it brings me down and it leads to me producing poor work. So continuing to stay organized and manage my time so that I can be more confident in the work I complete.



Tell us something about yourself:
Iā€™m a grade 11 student interning at BitSpace Development. I have a passion for programming and creating stuff.

Whatā€™s your project?
For my LTI Project Iā€™m working with Joseph Facundo to create a minimum viable product, or video game to present to a type of audience. Weā€™ve been working on the project roughly for two months. My role has been the developer, where I create the video game, while Joseph works on the ideas. The game itself basically looks at how players can be controlled used actions, and how those actions can be ordered. Josephā€™s idea was how can we create those actions and controls to explore the world we created. We aim to motivate players to explore the created environments. Every Tuesday we have meetings with the folks at BitSpace - whenever there is an issue, I can always look to them for ideas on solutions.

How have you grown this year?
I think Iā€™ve grown a lot, particularly at this LTI. Back in October I was really timid, and I stood on the sidelines. As I began to show others what I was doing, people starting taking notice, particularly my mentor at BitSpace, Dan. This pushed me to collaborate and go deeper in my learning than I was able to by working independently.

What are your goals?
My goals are to complete this LTI project. But really what this project represents is practice in organization. Usually I plan for tomorrow, but this project forced me to look at bigger picture goals, weekly or monthly. This allowed me to be more present in my work and learning. Moving forward, I plan to stay at this internship and hopefully start the thesis project that Dan has proposed. Iā€™d like to explore different areas of developing, specifically virtual reality and augmented reality.



Tell us something about yourself:
I love music. Currently I am playing the acoustic guitar, because Iā€™m a big Ed Sheeran fan. Iā€™m still learning to play certain songs, but Iā€™d really like to learn to play the song ā€˜Happierā€™. My next step after acoustic guitar is to learn to play piano. I know some basic chords right now, but Iā€™d like to try piano because people say that it will help me play guitar better. A song Iā€™m learning right now for piano is another Ed Sheeran song, I think itā€™s called ā€˜Perfectā€™

What's your project?
ā€‹My project right now is about how to be a Prosecuting Lawyer. I was interested in Law and specifically Prosecuting Lawyers after we visited the Law Courts at the start of the school year. After this visit, I started doing research, and got more interested. It pushed me to wrap up my previous project on music, so I could move onto this. For my final product I am making a booklet on basic knowledge on different types of law, lawyers, Law Schools and skills for the job. Itā€™s aimed at people who do not know much about Law.

Where's your internship?
I have two different internships. Every Tuesday I go to Seven Oaks Daycare, and on Thursday I go to the Manitoba Conservatory. At the Daycare I help my mentors take care of kids, mainly five year olds. I feed them, help them sleep and play with them. I like this internship because even though it can be a bit stressful, but really fun. At the Manitoba Conservatory, I do a do a bunch of different projects. Iā€™ve made a PowerPoint presentation on an outreach program, Iā€™ve made posters, and made calls to schools in Winnipeg School Division to make decisions on making pamphlets. I also help brainstorm ideas for new programming for youth. I love this internship because itā€™s music related and it helps me develop my graphic design skills.

How have you grown this year?
This year I have definitely improved my ability to talk to adults, my confidence in myself and what I know. Iā€™ve been able to develop my confidence through learning through internships, particularly the bootcamp at the start of the year. Making cold-calls, practicing interviews and having two internships to practice these skills has been really important for this.

What are your current goals?
Right now Iā€™m thinking about being a music teacher. Aside from that, Iā€™d like to be able to develop my music skills to the point where I can record a song in a music studio. Since about Grade 7 Iā€™ve been writing and thinking about recording music, so Iā€™d like to continue to work on this. Met School could help me reach these goals by allowing me to guide my project work towards this, my internships could be curated to fit these goals.



ā€‹Tell us something about yourself:
Iā€™m a Grade 11 student. I have an abstract passion: figuring out the stories of humans. This leads me to have many interests in the arts, social sciences and well, anything really.

Whatā€™s your project?
My most interesting project is connected to Science. My question is ā€˜What is the most efficient way to live on Mars?ā€™ NASA and SpaceX have been really valuable resources for this research. For my project, I am asking Grade 5ā€™s to build their own Mars settlement.

Whereā€™s your LTI?
I just wrapped up an internship with CKUW Radio Station at the University of Winnipeg. I created my own podcast based on people and how your perceptions can change in every moment of one's life. Itā€™s all about how different people experience things differently - perceptions of how people see themselves.

How have you grown this year?
This year Iā€™ve grown a lot. I let myself go in Grade 10, I got away with only doing half the work of my peers. This year Iā€™ve sat myself down and thought about how I got to that point, and how I could get myself out of it. First, I moved myself into a different space from my peers and the constant negativity - I deleted instagram. Secondly, I stopped making the same jokes as my friends - from here I was able to be happier and have a better perception of life. I started holding myself accountable, goal setting and making the goals measurable. Right now, the hardest thing is sustaining and keeping the momentum going. Iā€™m working hard right now to keep it up.

What are your current goals?
To do as much as I can to make the quality of my work the best I can. Before I could do the minimum and get good grades, but this year I want to take myself to another level. Everyone always said that I could do so much better, so this year Iā€™ve decided ā€˜why not?ā€™ā€‹