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Collège Garden City Collegiate
Feb 05, 2025
School Day 3
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Community Service Credit

​Volunteerism is defined as people's willingness to work on behalf of others without expectation of pay or other tangible gain. We value the skills gained through volunteer experience and because of this, we have made participation in volunteering (55 hour minimum – 25G) a mandatory component for most of our school-based scholarships. We also recognize community service by awarding school credit for students who complete a certain number of hours.

Students can earn a community service half credit (55 hours/25G) or full credit (110 hours /21G) by volunteering in the school and/or in the community.

Students can achieve these community service hours in a variety of ways:

  • School clubs and activities (peer tutoring, team managers, student council, social activism clubs, etc.)
  • School initiated volunteer outings (Siloam Mission, Harvest Manitoba, Festival du Voyageur, etc.)
  • Volunteering done at a non-profit organization (hospital, nursing home, summer camp, community centre, animal shelter, etc.)

Note: Practicum hours obtained through Family Studies (Grades 10, 11, 12) and hours obtained through Phys. Ed Leadership (Grades 10, 11, 12) fulfill requirements to earn those respective credits (either Family Studies or Phys Ed Leadership). Completing two Family Studies courses with practicum or Phys Ed Leadership will however cover the 'volunteering requirement' for scholarship purposes.

Students will complete certain requirements, in collaboration with our Community Service Program. There is a specific process by which students must record and account for their volunteer hours and there is also a final assignment to complete to receive the credit.

Hours must be completed within the designated school year, or upon approval of the Community Services School Coordinator during school holidays. Volunteer hours can also be completed during the summer, commencing once the student has officially started attending Garden City Collegiate; hours completed in the summer between Grade 8-9 do not count towards the community service credit. Students transferring in from another high school may count community service hours earned at the other school if appropriate documentation is provided.