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Maples Collegiate
Feb 05, 2025
School Day 3
No School Today
Education for Sustainable Development


Please click on the link below to view a unique opportunity to help fight AIDS in Africa.

   Grands Walk Educator Letter.pdf

GENGREEN EARTHDAY SUMMIT...On April 22nd Maples Collegiate will hosted an EARTH DAY SUMMIT for teams from each of our 7 Maples area schools. Two other Summits were held in the Garden City and W Kildonan areas.

The Maples summit featured a series of U Tube videos depicting public service announcements related to environmental responsibility made by students across Canada and the United States. The morning also featured a series of short videos created by students and staff at Elwick Community School.

Our snack was garbage free with fruit peels and apple cores dispensed into either worm or regular composters that are available at Maples.

THe rest of the morning was spent story-boarding and planning for each school's video creation. We hope to offer a video editing workshop in June and combine the short films in a DVD for our October 21st UNITE TO CHANGE division wide conference.

Classroom Focus

Education for sustainable development (ESD)is considered important and is growing as a priority in our division, school and classrooms. It makes sense that we understand more about how to be good citizens and caretakers of our school, our community and our planet. ESD is part of many courses throughout the grades here at Maples Collegiate. Teachers and students explore issues related to the environment, culture, economics, social justice and health/well-being in many of their classes as these areas are embedded in curriculum. Students extend their learning by doing research on the internet and participating in field trips during flex days.

Extra-Curricular Connections

Almost all of our extra-curricular groups have an ESD flavour as well. Athletes, musicians, actors, recyclers, unity group members, gardeners, Amnesty members, Marsville participants, Bright Futures members and our student council leaders all contribute to a vibrant school that sustains itself through students and staff participating in positive learning experiences. The presence of our youth in the community, with their many talents and capacities to make a difference, contributes to positive potential. Through common experiences in athletics, the arts and volunteering, we see students, staff and families coming together in many positive ways that help to sustain and energize our school and community. 

Unite to Change

Maples students and staff were part of the beginnings of our 7 Oaks Unite to Change conferences. Working together with school leaders and trustees, a group of our students from a variety of grades helped to grow the idea of gathering representatives from around the division to celebrate efforts and plant seeds for further change in our schools and their surrounding communities. The planning committee is open to all. Want to get  involved? contact for more information.

Walk for Water

The Walk for Water is an annual event run by Water Can to raise money and awareness for people in Africa who don’t have access to clean water. Approximately one child dies every fifteen seconds from water related diseases; four children a minute equals about six thousand dying a day. One in seven people don’t have access to clean drinking water. The Walk for Water is five kilometers to represent how far women and children must walk to get water drinking, cleaning and other various purposes.  Water Can works in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia which are considered some of the poorest countries in the world. A total of eighty-one percent of all money raised goes to building the wells, thirteen percent goes to fundraising and marketing and the last six percent goes to the administration.

Seven Oaks Met School raised money and participated in the walk. They raised money through pledges, getting donations from the students of Garden City, and a Bake Sale. Through the two weeks, the thirty-five students and three teacher-advisors raised a total of $1583.00.